Look closely at a leader who inspires others to change and excel and you will likely discover a compelling storyteller. What is the story that you need to tell? How prepared are you to tell a story in a meaningful and powerful way? This one-day session is designed for leaders at all levels who want to enrich their communication, broaden their influence, and deepen their impact. Drawing practical lessons from skilled storytellers, human and otherwise, Moments That Matter offers participates the opportunity to practice and develop their storytelling skills and to define and hone their unique storytelling styles.
What can be learned about storytelling from the bees?
Mother Nature is one of our world's best and oldest storytellers. The secret to hearing her story is to pause and listen to all she's whispering around us. This course uses the bee's production of honey as the analogy for the importance a leader's ability to creating clarity towards a future goal or state in a VUCA+ world. Impactful and good storytellers understand the importance, just like the bees, of cultivating their team's clarity and understanding towards future goals.
This “sticky” course provides leaders with a deeper understanding of the true power that comes from nurturing and creating Moments That Matter.
Who should attend:
Emerging and First-Level Leaders, Team Leaders, Middle Managers
Length: 1 Day | Class Size: 15 Participants

As a result of this session, participants will:
Better understand the business case for storytelling
Deepen their understanding of how to cultivate clarity towards a future state through storytelling
Identify personal storytelling goals — the skills to hone and the outcomes to create
Practice the art of quickly adapting stories in order to succeed with redefining clarity in a VUCA+ world
Observe inspiring storytellers in action and extract best practices and lessons learned
Identify the key elements of impactful storytelling
Develop one’s storytelling style, converting best practices into a personalized formula for success
This interactive, hands-on session includes:
Activities that demonstrate the business and effective leader relevance of storytelling
Guided individual reflection and peer coaching to create storytelling goals and to spark memories of moments that matter from one’s life story
Observation and analysis of exemplary storytelling in action to extract best practices
Practicing storytelling in a safe, engaging environment, giving and receiving real-time feedback on the clarity, timeliness, and delivery of the stories
Group storytelling activities focused on fast adaptation in order to provide clarity for the future in a VUCA+ environment
Individual reflection to synthesize lessons learned and identify specific actions for continued development, creating a personalized storytelling guide of insights, ideas, tips, and lessons learned

Take a dive into what the beekeeper represents in terms of organizational behavior and more in The Beesness of Leadership Podcast episode two: The Beekeeper's Promise.

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Look closely at a leader who inspires others to change and excel and you will likely discover a compelling storyteller. What is the story that you need to tell?
Before a leader can successfully engage in the hard work of leading others, they must fundamentally know themselves and what they stand for.
The unique HiveMind™ session spurs engagement and team perspective through the world of the honeybees, one of nature’s oldest and best examples of a high-performing team.