Bee Downtown & Lenovo Hustle Like a Hive
Bee Downtown Founder Leigh-Kathryn Bonner and Lenovo show how a traditional business uses modern tools.

Atlanta corporations bank on beekeeping begetting better business
There’s an increasing buzz around some of metro Atlanta’s largest corporate campuses.
Chick-fil-A, Delta, Marvel movie site Pinewood Studios, Georgia Power and AT&T all acquired bee boxes from Bee Downtown, a North Carolina-based sustainability and leadership development business. The sustainability component comes from the worsening problem of bee colony loss; a 2016 study funded by the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that 44 percent of American beekeepers lost their colonies.

Inc Magazine: How This 25-Year-Old Entrepreneur Is Convincing Companies Like Chick-fil-A and Delta to Save the Bees
Most mornings you'll find Leigh-Kathryn Bonner on a rooftop tending to a beehive in her pink beekeeping gloves; in the afternoon, she's in the conference rooms of Fortune 500 companies meeting with CEOs. This 25-year-old's mission: convince companies with massive headquarters to host a few beehives--and, in the process, help rebuild the bee population.

Bright Sparks: The young woman who wants to put bees in your office
More honey bee colonies are disappearing every year. Leigh-Kathryn Bonner is using generations of family beekeeping knowledge to think up a promising solution.

The Queen Bee of Downtown Durham
A 24-year-old North Carolina woman has built a successful startup. Her company doesn’t have hordes of millennials writing code. Instead, it has thousands and thousands of bees, making honey and money on the rooftops of old tobacco warehouses.
Story by Iza Wojciechowska | Photographs by Kate Medley
